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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Running from power lines vs. running from butteriesPosted by Romy the Cat on: 7/13/2009

 drdna wrote:
However, my comment was just intended to correct the error when the APS representative said there was no difference in audio system performance between battery and wall power. THERE ABSOLUTELY IS, but it will not be a major difference for most listeners.

Adrian, yes and no. Let me to explain.

I can testify that at the very first unit I got 3 years back there was absolutely no difference between running from buttery and running from power lines.  At that time it was very important to me and I spent a LOT of time for very careful and very thorough assessments of this concussion. Please, take me seriously- there were no differences, at least worth notice difference.

Then I understand the APS keep changing the charging, discharging ways and the ways how the battery is being used. The PP2000 works different then PP1050… I have no idea what they do, I do not think that they have idea what they do, at least I was not able to get answers for very rudimental questions. Measurably the PP2000 and PP1050 running from power lines vs. from butteries act VERY different. So, they do sonically.

The problem that I see is that there is no default performance level of PP2000 upon which we can make concussions. I have a guy who contacted me a few months back who state that his PP2000 sound phenomenally from butteries and like shit from power lines. My own PP2000 does have a very-very-very minor difference between lines and butteries operation and… I like the sound from lines better.

However the key in all of it is the fact the id On-line regenerators is properly implemented, means all is driver from butteries only and while butteries are properly charged by DC then it must not be any difference between running the unit from the lines or from butteries. So, my statement is that there is no difference between lines and butteries and if the difference does exist then it is ONLY because very specific defects/bugs of your given unit/model/production run. I wish the APS to stabilize this thing….

The Cat

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