Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Consumer vs. ExplorerPosted by Paul S on: 7/6/2009

Maybe it was easier for an individual to work with APS before they got the great reviews and stepped up production?  Now they have all they can do to fill the orders (and invent new products, of course...).

Romy, I believe you got a solution to your own problems exactly and specifically because you did a lot of their work for them, and they met you part way partly because of this, and also because you make sure your voice is heard, far and wide.

As a company like this evolves, they might actually get better at addressing specific, individual problems; but probably not.

It's rather more likely that they are mostly focused on selling, making, and shipping units while trying to keep a lid on their operating expenses (especially back-end expenses...) and paying down debt.

All the questions you ask are good ones; but they are also the sort of questions that only the most OCD nutcases could be expected to answer.  And furthermore, APs have no right whatsoever to expect this sort of input from their retail customers, based on any of their literature that I have read.

Of all the people who buy one of these units based on your glowing recommendation, I'm guessing one in ten - maximum - has any idea at all where to so much as begin in terms of seriously and rigorously isolating and diagnosing the sorts of very specific problems you have just outlined.  People are never going to read the caveats that pepper this site, but they will ever continue to browse for "suggestions" along the lines of the Stereophile Recommended Components List.

The upside for APS is that most of these shoppers will never even realize that anything is wrong unless the unit hums, or explodes.

And clearly APS have learned how to deal with the hummers.

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site