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Topic: Casals on 78s

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Posted by Paul S on 01-26-2008

This record survived my college days, but I thought I'd lost it along the way.  How nice to find it and hear it again, after so many years.

The tracks from this LP were dubbed from recordings made in 1926, 7 & 8, presumably originally directly cut to lacquer.  I have no idea how they were re-done, but against all odds plenty enough remains to thoroughly enjoy these teasured performances.

These are all "parlor" pieces, mostly transcriptions, that Casals and accompaniest Nicolai Mednikoff render in an altogether charming, neo-Romantic style, with a slight, tasteful tinge of eastern Europe.

The piano is about perfect, with a wonderfully vibrant sounding board, and, my God, can Casals make his cello sing!

I have never heard direct playback of original recordings like these well rendered, but I certainly envy anyone who possesses the capability to do it in his home.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by Romy the Cat on 01-27-2008
However, if you have a change to listen the properly played Casals’ recordings from 20-30 on 78s then you might be very surprised with the quality of upper bass on these recordings.

The Cat

Posted by Paul S on 01-27-2008

I can only drool at the thought of hearing these originals, I'm afraid.

All the money I've spent on "hi-fi" over the years and I no longer even have dedicated mono for old 33 1/3 or 78s, let alone the alternate/adjustable recording curves...

I feel slightly better remembering that "collectors" have driven the price of these priceless records far out of my reach, for many years now.

IMO, anyone who owns the old records but won't play them should be strung up.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by clarkjohnsen on 01-29-2008
"The quality of the upper bass"? What about the rest of the range, man?

The whole goddam cello!


Posted by clarkjohnsen on 01-29-2008
Your stated e-dress is not working... and here I am in San Diego... from Boston... give a shout.

clarkjohnsen at

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