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Topic: MP3 Finally Delivers!

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 01-06-2025

Posted by Paul S on 01-07-2025
Lots of food for thought here. I do recognize some resistance on my own part, and I think it's (at least partially) because I actually like the process of making the system to sound like I want it to sound, not to mention I am currently "invested" in my personal results. Also, there is some skepticism about rendering Big Great Works by such ostensibly "limited means". Even though any playback is limited, how can it not be a matter of degree? How great to swap a few parts and swap limitations for a pint-sized psychic hardwire! Pocket MP3 player and cordless earbuds doing a better job for me with Bruckner than my current set-up! I guess we're talking a "new and improved topology" with greater Musical Potency, that swamps what might currently be viewed as limitations... right? Part of me is on the edge of my seat, and part is thinking, "Bob Carver on acid..."

Paul S

Posted by mats on 01-08-2025
In performance, Herbert Blomstedt has been my favorite. 
Apparently recovered from a fall, he conducted Bruckner 9 
in Berlin last weekend, as a substitute. Here are a couple of
quotes from a few days ago:

“I am usually very unsatisfied. I am happy that my orchestra
and my audience are happy after an evening. 
My expectations are simply even higher. 
You have to start again every time. 
Maybe it only works when you have conducted
the piece ten times, sometimes even a hundred. 
When I was ready, the new orchestra was there. 
…you can continue to develop even in old age. 
They always say that personal development is complete 
at age 30. That is only the beginning. 
You have to continue 
to develop at 70, 80, 90.”

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