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Topic: American Tone Poem?

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Posted by Paul S on 02-05-2024
As usual on Sunday evenings, I listened via headphones to the weekly local FM classical music broadcast. Last night they wound up with a phenomenal piece - Contact - from American composer Kevin Puts, played by a string trio - Time For Three - fronting the Philadelphia Orchestra. Just, Wow! I've got to hear this via my Big Rig!

Here's a YouTube excerpt to get you started:

Paul S

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-06-2024
It is undoubtedly an incredible clip. I am not sure that I get the music. Then, I found, read, and listed the whole Puts work 

I do not know if I like it. There is something in this music as a process for the sake of process. In my view, it is overly intellectuales that should be more natural. 

Posted by Paul S on 02-06-2024
Having listened a few times now, I still like the piece enough that I ordered the CD (Letters For The Future). I'll get back about how it comes across on my main system. Meanwhile, I often detect a sort of "buzz" exuded by artists who seem to be supercharged by the idea of being on "the cutting edge", and this piece might be an example of this. Awards or not, I do not think this is "evolution" from Bruckner; but it does make me think of Debussy String Quartet (also, Ravel...), and I mean this in a good way. As you know, "Process" had it's day in the Contemporary Arts, and (of course...) that Ball is in still play.

Paul S

Posted by Paul S on 02-07-2024
Years ago I was quite involved with the local arts scene, including reading, writing and schmoozing for grants and subsidies, and all the politics of various and sundry institutions and "influential individuals" that are part of the working artist's environment. I was fortunate to get drunk with quite a few famous artists, writers and poets, including then Poet Laureate Billy Collins, who once said, "The most disappointing thing in life is finally meeting the poet." Sure, he was being sardonic, but the joke works because there's just enough truth in it. I tend to take what artists say with a little salt, and certainly some are better than others at "explaining" their work. Here is a link to some talk about Kevin Puts that includes some of what he has said about his own work. Given the current Arts "atmosphere", also noting how attention, grants and other awards are allocated at this time, I am not flustered by what Puts is quoted as saying:

It seems he is regarded as writing opera, and this actually makes sense to me.

I guess this makes me an apologist?

Paul S

Posted by Paul S on 02-09-2024
The CD got here in maybe 2 days, "Letters For The Future", Time For Three, DG label. It is structured and played as a concerto. I just played it via my Accustic Arts Drive 1 transport/iDAT 44++ DAC, etc. I am glad I got the CD, as it makes the Music "Big". like it's supposed to be, and I still like this Music. Perhaps it would be fully comprehensible with a better streaming and headphones set-up; I don't know. The "engineering" is not noteworthy, but it does not ruin it. The Musicians are up to this piece. Has Puts heard John Williams (and Debussy, and Ravel...)? Of course he has! Probably saw the movie based on Carl Sagen's book, too. What's an artist living in the modern world to do?

Paul S

Posted by Paul S on 03-31-2024
(With apologies to Gene Roddenberry...)

Listened to Contact CD via The Loudspeakers in my "new listening position" and I was blown away (although not entirely surprised) to discover there's a lot more to the recording than I early on perceived. This time I got a HUGE space and tremendous energy worthy of a super nova, or at least a movie score. I suppose there is a DVD of this performance available and I would be surprised if Contact was not processed for home theater surround sound. As I currently listen, the "sound effects" I get actually enhance the Music, IMO. I got quite a kick out of it!

Paul S

Posted by Paul S on 09-16-2024
Cooler weather, good electricity, and a great session including this piece today. I was hearing the influences of Aaron Copland/Ferde Groffe, Bernstein, lots of good American narrative Musical forebearers, also their European predecessors. Of course Puts did not "come out of nowhere". I think the more time passes, the harder it is to be "original". I don't sit around waiting for new music, but I think I would note and remember anything else this good since I heard Contact.

Paul S

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