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Playback Listening
Topic: The Heart of the Matter

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 05-28-2022

Posted by Amir on 05-30-2022
I think i have no answer but i think i understand your question.I have a $100 sony cassette player that has no special sound but i like it very much.
these experiences are rare and i think it is more related to loudspeaker

Posted by Amir on 06-02-2022

I think This subject is very interesting and i hope other members share their ideas

Posted by Amir on 06-11-2022
I am not painter and I do not know about history of Painting Art but this may be interesting to compare "Macondo vs Dannoy" to "Romanticism vs Realism"
I think this subject is very interesting to think why Romy changed (after 20 years of non-stop working on Macondo system) his Audio Playback to Dannoy .
please share your ideas?

Posted by rowuk on 06-11-2022
Romy was actually very specific about why he was critical of Melquiades/Macondo. Even in old posting, he made a point of mentioning that he very much knew what weaknesses he had. To be honest, I believe that his real motivations for change are not complex at all. He was able to squeeze more out of Macondo in his old house with the midbass horn built into the ceiling. After moving, he changed to direct radiator midbass - and and after that even extended the midbass down to turn off the lower bass towers. Most recently he mentioned the enormous effort to keep a machine like Melquiades/Macondo „well oiled“.

This was an indication to me that something deeper was going on. Whether that was a realization that energy in does not always equate to enjoyment out or that life with a loving wife and kids simply does not give one the space to maintain a high maintenance hobby like complex audio playback really does not matter. I think that a caT has a problem with dependencies - especially with machines. 

What interests me more is what stars aligned in his listening room at that time that turned (at best) midfi hardware into the experience that he had. We know how much distortion is present, we know how lumpy the frequency response and polar patterns are, we know that a passive radiator does not invert the phase of the signal of the driven chassis, rather creates its own Helmholz resonance. That Fata Morgana has kept his mind occupied, and what is becoming apparent to me is that Remedios will be just as high maintenance as Melquiades/Macondo was. Did he have DiPols for a day? Perhaps. Can a Dannoy become a reliable partner? I am pretty sure that the answer is no. What I suspect is that it is, at best it is a primitive starting point and that the warts will have to be dealt with, one by one - just like with Macondo. Yes, history is repeating itself. His friend Bill has thrown a lot of hardware at the issue.

What I can say for me, I have no real interest in Dannoy (I have not even looked at what the drivers or a B2 would cost), rather in Romys posting about the music that he will listen to when the playback becomes worthy again. I very much enjoyed his posting about Bose on the beach.

Posted by Paul S on 06-11-2022
Amir, this being Good Sound Club, there was some years back a discussion about painterly values as they relate to Music and the Sound of Music. This thread is embedded in the early part of the "It Takes Balls to Shop..." thread, on the Playback Listening board.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by Romy the Cat on 06-11-2022

Posted by Paul S on 06-12-2022
Sounds reasonable to me. There has to be some sort of soft target we're aiming at, with all our mechanical manipulations. I recently got a new clock radio (C Crane 2E) that I listen to a good deal more than I do my Big Rig, although I can foresee this changing when I finish my current speaker project. I got the clock radio specifically to listen to Sunday night re-broadcasts of the best of our local symphony orchestra, but I've wound up listening mostly to the local jazz station. Like I have told before, I will also fire up the Big Rig for dancing, and our dogs love (and expect) to join in.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by rowuk on 06-13-2022
Bach 333 4-part Chorales, Vocalconsort Berlin Daniel Reuss
Deutsche Grammophon UPC: 00028948360284
  • Catalogue No: 4836028

Posted by Romy the Cat on 06-13-2022
Here is my favorite...

Posted by JJ Triode on 06-14-2022
Others have noted an analogy between some of Bach's music and the art of M. C. Escher, the originator of the "tri-prong" and other visual paradoxes. It's a certain "strangeness" that they have in common.ödel,_Escher,_Bach

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