Posted by Romy the Cat on
fiogf49gjkf0d I have ongoing project going for a while. I guy in Europe built for me 18-cell 183Hz horn for S3 driver. It is not that I am a huge Multicell fan, quite opposite but for sun 1.000Hz channel I think it might work. In addition I wanted to have Exponential how in lower midrange, not Tractrix – so why do not try the properly made Multicell?
The problem is that this thing needs to be painted and I kind of wonder how to do it. Of course it will be mat or textured back but how to stick the paint into those tiny 18 troughs without over blowing it at mouths? I was considering bringing it to the local body shop I know, they have chambers to paint cars. But hey refuse to put textured paint in their machines. I do have a big compressor and I might but my own painting kit. Does anyone have experience with them? Do you feel that it might enable me to paint my Multicell? Did anybody paint Multicell before? Any tips and any do and don’ts?
The Cat
Posted by jessie.dazzle on
fiogf49gjkf0d Temporarily seal off the throats from where the driver will mount, stand the horn vertically on its throat and simply fill the cells with paint. Once full, drain the excess back into the paint bucket, by piercing the seal.
Alternatively, use a long, thin stick with a small piece of sponge attached. The sponge will naturally leave a texture (do a test). For the corners, use a sharply cut piece of sponge.
I would use real, natural sponges (the kind the Greeks pull out of the ocean).
With either technique, if the surface is particularly absorbent (as is the case with MDF), don't thin the paint too much.
Posted by Romy the Cat on
fiogf49gjkf0d jessie.dazzle wrote: | Temporarily seal off the throats from where the driver will mount, stand the horn vertically on its throat and simply fill the cells with paint. Once full, drain the excess back into the paint bucket, by piercing the seal. |
What a great idea! Thanks you very much. That is exactly what I will try.
Posted by Romy the Cat on
fiogf49gjkf0d I spent today some time to finish my Multicell as I am not able to look at it if it not black. First that I discovered is that it is irrelevant how it painted at throat as horns is so deep that it dark in there anyhow. Jessie’s idea to fill up the cell with paint is great but I decided do not go for it. To do what Jessie proposedis needed to manage the horns very prissily, position it, rotate it. I have difficulty to do it nowadays. I picked up some sort of Arthritis, getting fucking old, and to keep jongleuring those horns after they filed with sand is a bit difficult for me nowadays.
So, I “brushed” the horns down to the throat with ½ and 1” brushes. So, the sequence was: fill the sand, sand the horns, prime them, sand again, prime again, paint with satin black.
The next step will be to attach 4000rpm fan at throat and to blow textured paint into the cells. In the picture above the fresh satin look glossy but it of cause will not be so with my textured black paint. No gloss on speakers allowed…
Rgs, Romy the Cat