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Musical Discussions
Topic: Two Examples in as Many Days

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Posted by Paul S on 12-09-2009
Today on the way to work I heard on my truck FM Haydn's Cello Concerto #1, Yo Yo Ma with the English Chamber Orchestra, directed by Jose' Luis Garcia.  The orchestra played well enough, I suppose, and it was the truck FM, after all, but I couldn't help but notice how much a very non-show-off-y Yo Yo Ma and his freaking SPECTACULAR instrument none the less stood apart from the orchestra.  And this called to mind the generic quality of this phenomenon, which engendered this post.

Paul S

Posted by Paul S on 12-10-2009
Today on the way home from work I heard (again in the truck) the "Grand March" from Aida.  It was James Levine conducting and I don't remember which orchestra or chorus, except I bet eye teeth it was not an opera company.

Every one knows the context of the music, no need to dwell on it, enough to say it should be a very "spirited" presentation.

In this case, the chorus did their not-so-great best at excitment, and Levine and the orchestra "played the tune".

How many ways can you say, "boring"?

Rolls like an egg going long-ways .

This piece would be twice as good if the orchestra just plain old played louder at the right times!

Engineer was an idiot, cut off even the smallest hint of volume.

Paul S

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